
Restock of “Back to School” equipment still makes Angela, 32, anxious

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Angela Charling, 32 from Sussex, is the current Head of Human Resources at the Lewes branch of WowGroceries Supermarkets.

During a recent interview about her position in the store, and her hopes for the future, Charling revealed that she’s planning to move away from the supermarket business, due to what she called “a crippling tri-annual anxiety” when the Back to School stock comes in.

She described, “even now, I break into a sweat when I see the display full of pencil cases and lined notebooks. Sorry.”

Ms Charling then asked for a quick break in the interview, as it had become too much for her.

“It’s a sudden pang of panic, as I realise that summer’s over and I’m going to need to start revising for my maths O-level with Mr. Lloyd-Roberts,” continued Charling. “And it’s a good 5 minutes before I remember that I sat my O-levels in 2002.”

When asked if she has a similar reaction to any of the other displays shown in WowGroceries, Ms Charling said, “well, I feel nauseous when I see the Christmas display, but so does everyone, because we put it up in September.”

Verity Babbs

Verity Babbs is a stand-up, sketch and improvised comedian with the Oxford Revue and Oxford Imps. Her performance mostly involves sticking ham to herself and declaring that she is “Hamlips, Prince of Denmark”.