
Crafty! Fun uses for your Mooncup® the other three weeks of the month

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Anyone who is anyone (with a vagina) is investing in a Mooncup®. It’s reusable, eco-friendly, and if you’ve got a light flow, you can leave it in for an entire train journey from Milton Keynes to Hull.

The fun doesn’t end when your flow does, so we asked our readers for their go-to alternative uses for the cup for the rest of the month. A bit of fairy liquid, a rinse, and a selection of children’s art and craft supplies later, and you’ll be having the time of your life rather than your time of the month.

“I’ve painted mine silver using a non-toxic acrylic paint. I like to put it on the cat’s head so he looks like the Tin Man from ‘The Wizard of Oz’.” – Joanne, 32, Kent.

“I bought mine and then went through menopause. Nobody on eBay seemed interested. My husband fits carpets, so I used his Stanley knife to cut several holes in it. He is gluten intolerant, so it makes the perfect colander for a single person’s portion of pasta. Amazing how nature does that. What do you call it? Fibonacci numbers?” – Anne, 47, Newport Pagnal

“I’ve found so many uses for it, I’ve gone back to tampons” – Shirley, 28, Devon

Laurie Plowright

Laurie Plowright is a comedian and veterinary student. She is not only self-absorbed and narcissistic, but also wonderful. When she's not neglecting her collection of succulent plants, Laurie improvises with the Cambridge Impronauts, and is the co-founder of Stockings, an inclusive, all-female comedy troupe.