Love & sex
Date who used chopsticks at Yo Sushi awaiting medal
A Hertfordshire woman is ringing around various award committees today, trying to find an appropriate accolade for her date, who managed to transport a piece of cucumber maki from his plate to his mouth without even using the fork at Yo Sushi.
“I knew Yo Sushi was a risky first-date location,” said Ella Knight, 27. “There’s always a risk he’ll just give up and use the fork; or worse, eat with his hands, like an animal. But, despite some initial fumbling around, Andy managed to get a whole piece of sushi into his mouth without dropping it down himself.”
“He’s a keeper.”
“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous,” admitted Andy Hinscliffe, 31. “There was a lot of pressure on me, and I had a reasonable amount of performance anxiety. Luckily, Ella was really supportive. I think it was her belief in me that helped me to succeed.”
Despite neighbouring diners reporting that Andy did not use the chopsticks the traditional way, opting instead to spear the maki like a vegetable skewer, Ella has insisted that, in her eyes it “still counts.”